Associate Professor, Director of the Complex Social Interaction Laboratory
Wilson-Short 117, WSU Pullman
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D, Criminal Justice and Criminology, 2012, Washington State University
M.S. Administration of Justice, 2004, University of Louisville
B.S. Criminal Justice, 2002, Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests
Police Interactions with the Public, Translational Research, Data Management, Optimization, Operationalization, Technology and Public Policy, Machine Learning and A.I, Sustainable Program Development.
Recent Honors
WSU Teaching Academy Award for Excellence in Teaching a Large Class, Washington State University, 2022
Smart 50 Awards Recipient, The Public Safety Fellowship, | Smart Cities, 2021
President’s Leadership and Engagement Awards of Distinction (LEAD), Washington State University, 2021
President’s Award for Security, Washington State University, 2019
Outstanding Criminal Justice and Criminology Professor, Criminal Justice and Criminology | Washington State University, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020
Outstanding Thesis Advisor Award, Honors College | Washington State University, 2016
Exceptional Professor Award for the College of Arts and Sciences, ASWSU Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day Awards, 2015
Guest Coach Recipient, WSU Student Athlete Development | Washington State University, 2015
Greg and Beth Pierce Fellowship Award, WSU Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, 2014
Profile (Linkedin)| Research Gate| Twitter (@DavidMakinPHD)
1-Sentence Research Summary: I examine how police interactions with the public unfold and the factors predicting actions and inactions taken by participants.
1-Sentence Teaching Summary: Questions are how we learn, and teaching is about creating conditions for curiosity to explore what we know, how we learned it, and what must come next.
David A. Makin, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology and is the Director of the Complex Social Interaction Lab at Washington State University. Under his direction, the Complex Social Interaction Lab has processed over 30,000 hours of BWC footage for police departments on a range of projects including improving the use of procedural justice, examining differential decision-making within police community interactions, enhancing CIT training, examining the application of trauma informed practices within domestic violence contacts, and most recently projects seeking to understand the use of de-escalation and non-escalation strategies and tactics. In addition to his research, statistical, and disciplinary expertise, he has completed a 40-hour POST certified Crisis Intervention Team training, a 2-year Fellowship at the Southern Police Institute at the University of Louisville and holds several awards including the President’s Leadership and Engagement Awards of Distinction, President’s Award for Security, and the Exceptional Professor Award for the College of Arts and Sciences at WSU. He has nearly 50 peer-reviewed publications and has received almost $3 million dollars in research funding, including research funded by the National Institute of Justice, National Science Foundation, and Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). As a result of engagement with industry he has received $600,000 in technology transfers allowing for solution development to public safety problems. Dr. Makin is an expert in programmatic implementation and evaluation, technology assessments, and is among a select group of researchers actively working with police departments to integrate body-worn camera (BWC) footage into supervision, risk management, and training.
Recent Grant Funding
Umbright, G., (Pi), Parks, M., Richardson, C., Makin, D.A, (2022). “An Innovative Approach to the Creation of a Police Recruitment Video: A Collaborative Effort Between Pullman Police Department and our Community.” Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (WSCJTC) HB1001. Requested Amount – $4,050.
Makin, David A. (Pi). (2022). Public Safety Research Assistant. Pasco Police Department. $84,000.
Makin, David A. (Pi). (2022). Public Safety Research Assistant. Pullman Police Department. $70,000.
Willits, Dale (Pi), Makin, David A. (Co-Pi). (2021). “REU Site: Studying Race and Policing in the Complex Social Interaction Lab at Washington State University” National Science Foundation. $489,773.
Makin, D. A., Parks, M, (2021). “Palouse Area Law Enforcement Peer Support Program: Improving and Supporting Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness”. Community Oriented Policing Services Department of Justice. Requested Amount – $114,974 (WSU $35,095)
Gaffney, M. J. (Co-Investigator), Anderson, B. J. (Co-Investigator), Willits, D. (Co-Investigator), Makin, D. A. (Co-Investigator), Hoard, S. A. (Co-Principal Investigator), Sanders, C. M. (Principal Investigator), (2020-2021). WSP Statewide Community Interaction Study, Non-Federal, $336,042.00.
Makin, David A. (Pi). (2019-2021). Public Safety Fellowship. Pullman Police Department. $30,000.
Makin, David. A. (2020). IREO Travel Grant Competition. Innovation and Research Engagement Office of Research. $3,000.
Makin, David A. (Pi), Willits, Dale (Co-Pi), Bailey Rachel (Co-Pi), Dietrich, Bryce (Co-Pi) (2017-2019). Washington State University and Axon Technology Partnership. Equipment Transfer of 60 Body-Worn Cameras, Accessories, and Storage. Equipment equivalency of $~100,000.
Makin, David A. (Pi). Public Safety Fellowship. Pullman Police Department. $30,000.
Makin, David A. (Pi), Willits, Dale (Co-Pi), Brooks, Rachael (Co-Pi), Krishnamoorthy, Bala (Co-Pi) (2019). Examining Stress at the Street-Level: A Situational Analysis of Police-Community Interactions. College of Arts and Sciences: Mini Grant. $10,000.
Willits, Dale (Pi), Makin, David A. (Co-Pi), Hemmens, Craig (Co-Pi) (2018). Procedural Justice in Traffic Safety Stops. Washington State Traffic Safety Commission (WSTSC). $135,706 + $6,653 (Bridge Funding).
Makin, David A. (Pi), Willits, Dale (Co-Pi), Bailey Rachel (Co-Pi), Dietrich, Bryce (Co-Pi) (2017). Body-Worn Cameras and Officer Perceptions. Applied Physics Lab at John Hopkins University. $30,000. + $2,000 (Supplemental Funding)
Stohr, Mary (Pi), Hemmens, Craig (Co-Pi), Lovrich, Nicholas (Co-Pi), Makin, David A. (Co-Pi), Snyder, John (Co-Pi), Willits, Dale (Co-Pi), Wood, Darryl (Co-Pi). (2016). Effects of marijuana legalization on law enforcement and crime. U.S. Department of Justice. National Institute of Justice. $995,831
Makin, David (Pi), Willits Dale (Co-Pi), Bailey Rachel (Co-Pi). (2016). Grand Challenge Seed Grant. Office of Research – Washington State University. $52,000
Gaffney, Michael J. (Pi), Sanders, Christina (Co-Pi), David A. Makin (Co-Pi). (2015). Washington OneNet First Responder Outreach Project – Washington State Department of Financial Management. $40,000 (Additional funds)
Gaffney, Michael J. (Pi), Sanders, Christina (Co-Pi), David A. Makin (Co-Pi). (2014) Washington OneNet First Responder Outreach Project – Washington State Department of Financial Management. – $308,932
Gaffney, Michael J. (Pi), Zachary R. Hays (Co-Pi), David A. Makin (Co-Pi) and Pullman Police Department. (2011-2013). Smart Policing Initiative: Safety Camera Initiative. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance. $300,000
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses: Senior Capstone, Realizing Justice in a Multicultural Society, Violence towards Women, Crime Prevention Strategies, Special Topics: Technology, Crime, and Criminal Justice, & Introduction to Criminological Theory.
Graduate Courses: Seminar in Comparative Policing, International Policing, Policing and Society, Technology, Crime, and Criminal Justice, & Criminal Justice Institutions
Media Interviews
Perry, Nancy (2022, August). Research: The Operationalization of Bodycam Data. Police1
Hunter, David (2022, July). Undergraduates will study connection between race, policing. Daily Evergreen.
Police1 (2022, June). Digital Edition: Police1’s 2022 guide to body-worn cameras. Police1
Truscott, Seth (2021, Dec). Analysis: No systematic agency bias in Washington State Patrol traffic stops. WSU Insider
Nelson, Kali (2021, Oct). Police Helping Their Own. The Moscow -Pullman Daily News.
Kuipers, Anthony (2021, July). Officials: New policing laws lack clarity. The Lewiston Tribune.
Kuipers, Anthony (2021, July). New police laws cause confusion, concerns. Daily News.
Osborne, Alexandria (2021, June). Fellowship program created to give doctoral students experience with police department. Daily Evergreen.
Wasson, David (2021, May). Curriculum focus supports criminal justice reform. WSU Insider
Zaske, Sara (2021, March). WSU Police partner with student legal group on arrest data. WSU Insider
Grace, Adaline (2021, March). WSU students conduct research on mental health resources. Daily Evergreen.
Negron, Loren (2021, February), Pullman PD to implement new use-of-force policy. Daily Evergreen.
Willsey, Trinity (2021, February). WSU considered in bill for greater law enforcement transparency. Daily Evergreen.
Negron, Loren (2020, October), Community invited to ‘reimagine public safety’ in virtual summit. Daily Evergreen.
Hillemann, Brooklynn (2020, September). Policing needs to be reformed, criminology professor says. Daily Evergreen.
Heidenreich, Teya (2020, July), Reform, don’t defund, Bellingham police say. The Western Front
National Police Foundation (2020, June). Police Body Cameras: What Have We Learned Over Ten Years of Deployment? National Police Foundation.
Quan, Douglas (2020, June). ‘To continue to partner with police … is to be complicit’: These academics want Canadian universities to cut ties with law enforcement. The Star
Heubl, Ben (2020, March). Investigation into body cameras finds nagging challenges for UK police. E&T: Engineering and Technology
Kuipers, Anthony (2020, March). Pullman police open to de-escalation. Daily News.
National Police Foundation (2020, January). National Police Foundation hosts conference on police body-worn cameras. National Police Foundation
Camden, Jim (2019, October). WSU study of connection between marijuana legalization, crime turns up surprises & WSU study investigates whether marijuana legalization leads to more or less crime. The Spokesman-Review & Seattle Times
Ellenbecker, Lauren (2019, April). Student plans app to reduce DUI rates. Daily Evergreen.
Prokop, Jessica (2019, March). Zoom in on the body camera debate in Clark County. The Columbian.
Aumen, Adrian (2019, March). Practical solutions to real crime issues. College of Arts and Sciences. Story Hub.
Hanrahan, Mark (2019, February). Inside the Spokane Police Department’s body camera program. KREM2.
Hanrahan, Mark (2019, February). Spokane police spent about $320K on body-camera storage per year. KREM2.
Glover, Jonathan (2019, February). As Spokane beefs up efforts to catch car thieves, some – including prolific one who targets Subarus – won’t stop. The Spokesman-Review
Ross, Dave (2018, December). Why criminal justice reform is gaining bipartisan support. KIRO 7
Silverberg, David (2018, September). What Legalized Cannabis in Colorado and Washington Can Teach Canada About Policing. Lift.CO
Horne, Deborah (2018, August). VIDEO: Kirkland man suspected of DUI dies. KIRO 7
Matarrese, Andy (2018, August). FBI data show Washington, Colorado closing more cases since legalization of marijuana. The Columbian.
Wells, Megan (2018, August). How today’s BWC footage will shape tomorrow’s LEO training. PoliceOne
Ingraham, Christopher (2018. July). Does legal weed make police more effective? Washington Post.
KIRO 7 News (2018, July). WSU study: Cannabis legalization leads to positive policing changes. KIRO 7.
Criscione, Wilson (2018, July). New study suggests police are more effective in states with legal marijuana. Inlander.
Cabeza, Garrett (2018, July). Study: Marijuana legalization improves clearance rates for police. The Moscow -Pullman Daily News.
Herman, Valli (2018, July). Marijuana Legalization Allowed Police to Better Solve Other Cases, Criminology Study Finds.
Privacy for Cops (2018, June). The Body Worn Camera Footage Shot Today Will be Used to Train the Officers of Tomorrow. Privacy for Cops
Gammon, Catharine (2018, April). The Science Behind Where Police Should Place Their Body Cameras. Inside Science
Cruden, Zara (2018, February). Prof studies body camera footage. The Daily Evergreen
Perry, Nancy (2017, Winter). 2018 Police Video Guide. PoliceOne
Perry, Nancy (2017, October). How body camera footage can enhance officer training. PoliceOne
Aumen, Adrian (2017, September). Technology to the Rescue? USA Today
Combs, Pete (2017, July). Body Worm Camera Feature. KOMO News Radio.
Muir, Pat (2017, August 2). Block watch groups mean extra eyes on Yakima. Yakima Herald
Aumen, A. (2017, July 12). WSU developing innovative technology to improve policing, public safety. WSU News
WSU Academic Outreach and Innovation (2015, June). Excellent in Teaching Online Instructor Interview. Academic Outreach and Innovation
Clark, Larry (2016). Police Training. Washington State Magazine
Glawe, Justin (2015, March 11). What’s Next for the Ferguson Police Department? Vice.
Spence, William, L. (2014, August 31). Cops’ body cameras prove popular. Lewsiton Tribune.
Kuipers, A (2014, May 3). Getting help when it’s too late: Mentally ill are entering the criminal justice system at a worrisome rate. Moscow-Pullman Daily News.
Weiford, L (2014, April 14). Mentally ill get handcuffs, not helping hand. WSU News.
Gillespie, K (2013, December 29). Rapist Christopher Reid uses social media to claim innocence. The Spokesman-Review.
Richards, O. (2013, April 11). Campus surveillance cameras help Pullman police. KREM.
Sestric, L. (2013). Six Flexible Degrees You Can Pursue While Working. Yahoo! Education.
Bowen, H. (2012, December 15). Eyes on Adams Mall. Daily News.
King, R. (2012, October 28). High-tech tools foiling low-tech bank robbers. The Daily Herald.
Warwick, J. (2012, September 18). Criminal justice students keep an eye on Adams Mall. The Daily Evergreen.
Online Media
National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. Expand Beyond the Camera: Situating Body Worn Cameras (BWC) within Civilian Oversight. 2022 NACOLE Webinar Series
Our Executive Order (May, 2021) “Policing, Gun Regulation, and Campus “Safety”. Spotify Podcast.
RCI | Roots of Contemporary Issues Lecture, From Talk to Action: What Does it Mean to Reform the Police, 2020
Inside Industry with IREO. Episode 3 – David Makin & Lois James, 2020
Most Recent Publications
Nowacki, J., Makin, D.A., Parks, M., Willits, D. (2022). Gender, Police-Citizen Contacts, and Situational Outcomes. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice.
Tjaden, S.L.N., Makin, D.A., (2022). Negotiated Safety? Replicating Claims Reduced Female Homicide Rates. Homicide Studies.
Wu, G., Maskaly, J., Kang, W., Makin, D.A., & Ivkovich, S.K. (2022). Testing the Theoretical Relationship Between the Role of the Society at Large and the Willingness to Adhere to the Police Code of Silence | Semantic Scholar. Asian Journal of Criminology.
Willits, D. W., Solensten, B., Meize, M., Stohr, K. M., Makin, D. A., Hemmens, C., Stanton, D., Lovrich, P.N. (2022). Racial Disparities in the Wake of Cannabis Legalization: Documenting Persistence and Change. Race and Justice.
Meize, M., Dale W. W., Stohr, M., Solensten, N., Makin, D. A., Lovrich, N., Stanton, D., Hemmens, C (2022). Impact of legalization of marijuana on state marijuana-related arrest rates disaggregated by race and gender. Crime & Delinquency.
Duane L. Stanton, Sr., Mary K. Stohr, Craig Hemmens, Nicholas P. Lovrich, David Makin, Mikala Meize, Dale Willits, (2022). “Rural Decline and Policing of Cannabis Legalization in Washington”, Policing and Society.
Pimley, N., Parks, M., & Makin, D.A. (2022). Time Saver or Time Sapper? An Examination of Body-Worn Camera Impact on Case Disposition Timelines. Criminal Justice Review. (Accepted Status)
Makin, D. A., Willits, D., Brooks, R. (2021). Systematic Social Event Modeling: A Methodology for Analyzing Body-Worn Camera Footage. International Journal of Social Research Methodology.
Makin, D.A., Meize, M.R., Willits, D.W., Stohr, M., Hemmens, C., Nordman, A., Stanton, D., Lovrich, N.P. (2021). The Impact of Recreational Marijuana Sales on Calls for Service: An Analysis of Neighboring Cities. Policing & Society.
Stanton, D., Makin, D.A, Stohr, M., Lovrich, N., Willits, D., Hemmens, C., Meize, M., Bowers, O., & Snyder, J., (2021). Law Enforcement Perceptions of the Effects of Cannabis Legalization on Law Enforcement and Crime. Contemporary Drug Problems.
Lu, R., Willits, D., Stohr, M., Makin, D.A., Lovrich, N., Snyder, J., Stanton, D., Guangzhen, W., & Hemmens, G. (2021). The Cannabis Effect on Crime: Time-Series Analysis of Crime in Washington State. Justice Quarterly
Holladay, B.P., Makin, D.A., (2021). Baselining Incivility: The Interaction of Gender, Race, and Contact Type in One-On-One Police-Suspect Interactions. Police Practice and Research.
Bailey, R., Read, G., Yan, J., Lui, H., Makin, D.A., & Willits, D. (2021). Camera Point-of-View Exacerbates Racial Bias in Viewers of Police Use of Force Videos. Journal of Communication
Makin, D.A., Bowers, O. (2020). Netflix as a Piracy Disruptor? A Cross-Sectional Test of Accessibility and Affordability on Interest in Piracy. International Journal of Cyber Criminology.
Wu, G., & Makin, D.A. (2020). The Differential Role of Stress on Police Officers’ Perceptions of Misconduct. Asian Journal of Criminology.
Stanton, D., Lovrich, N., Makin, D., Stohr, M., Willits, D., Hemmens, C., & Meize, M. (2020). Cannabis legalization and the policing of boating under the influence in Washington state: Exploratory research on marine officers’ perceptions. American Journal of Qualitative Research.
Stohr, M.K., Makin, D.A., Stanton, D., Hemmens, C., Willits, D., Lovrich N.P., Meize, M. Snyder, J. (2020). An Evolution Rather than a Revolution: Cannabis Legalization Implementation from the Perspective of the Police in Washington State. Justice Evaluation Journal.
Stanton, D., Mei, X., Kim, S., Willits, D., Stohr, M., Hemmens, C., Wu, G., Lu, R., Makin, D., & Lovrich, N. (2020). The effect of marijuana legalization on jail populations in Washington State. Prison Journal
Makin, D.A., & Ireland, L., (2019). The Secret Life of PETs: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Interest in Privacy Enhancing Technologies. Policing: An International Journal.
Boateng, F. D., Makin, D. A., Abess, G., & Wu, G. (2019). Speaking out: Officers speaking about police misconduct in Ghana. The Police Journal.
Wu, G., & Makin, D. A. (2019). The Quagmire that is an Unwillingness to Report: Situating the Code of Silence within the Chinese Police Context. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Makin, D. A, Willits, D. Wu, G. DuBois, K., Lu, R., Stohr, M.K., Koslicki, W., Stanton, D., Hemmens, C., Snyder, J., Lovrich, N. (2019). Marijuana Legalization and Crime Clearance Rates: Testing Proponent Assertions in Colorado and Washington State. Police Quarterly. 1098611118786255
Koslicki, W. M., Makin, D. A., & Willits, D. (2019). When no one is watching: evaluating the impact of body-worn cameras on use of force incidents. Policing and Society, 1-14.
Makin, D. A., Willits, D, Koslicki, W., Brooks, R. Dietrich, B, Bailey, R. (2019). Contextual Determinants of Observed Negative Emotional States in Police-Community Interactions. Criminal Justice Behavior
Makin, D. A., Walker, A., & Campbell, C. M. (2018). Paying to Be Punished: A Statutory Analysis of Sex Offender Registration Fees. Criminal Justice Ethics
Makin, D. A., Bernat, F. P., & Lyons, J. A. (2018). Who decides civil commitments? A statewide analysis of initial hold requests. Victims & Offenders, 13(8), 1171-1192.
Makin, D. A., Walker, A. M., & Story, S. C. (2018). Are we interested? A trend analysis of sex offender internet registries. Criminal Justice Studies, 31(3), pp. 297-309.
Makin, D. A., & Bye, C. (2018). Commodification of Flesh: Data Visualization Techniques and Interest in the Licit Sex Industry. Deviant Behavior, 39(1), pp. 1-18.
Wu, G., Makin, D. A., Boateng, F. D., Abess, G., Yongtao, L. (2018). Police Integrity in China. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. 41(5), pp. 563-577.
Willits, D. W., & Makin, D. A. (2018). Show Me What Happened: Analyzing Use of Force through Analysis of Body-Worn Camera Footage. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 55(1), pp. 51–77.
Makin, D. A., & Marenin, O. (2017). Let’s Dance: Variations of Partnerships in Community Policing. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 11(4), pp. 421–436.
Campbell, C. M., Makin, D. A., & Rijkhoff, S. A. (2017). A rhetorical balancing act: Popular punitivism in the Netherlands. Punishment & Society, 19(5), pp. 543–567.
Routh, D., Abess, G., Makin, D., Stohr, M. K., Hemmens, C., & Yoo, J. (2017). Transgender Inmates in Prisons A Review of Applicable Statutes and Policies. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 61(6), pp. 645–666.
Walker, A., Makin, D. A., & Morczek, A. L. (2016). Finding Lolita: A Comparative Analysis of Interest in Youth-Oriented Pornography. Sexuality & Culture, 20(3), pp. 1-27.
Boateng, F. D., & Makin, D. A. (2016). Where Do We Stand? An Exploratory Analysis of Confidence in African Court Systems. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 5(4), pp. 132-153.
Makin, D. A. (2016). When the Watchers Are Watched: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Body Worn Cameras. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, 4(1), pp.113-151.
Makin, D. A., Jenkins, G., & Gaffney, M. (2016). Civilizing Surveillance Practices: The Pullman Police Department Public Safety Camera Monitoring Internship Program. Journal of Applied Security Research, 11(3), pp. 249-266.
Makin, D. A., & Morczek, A. L. (2016). X Views and Counting Interest in Rape-Oriented Pornography as Gendered Microaggression. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 31(12), pp. 2131-2155.
Makin, D. A. (2016). A Descriptive Analysis of a Problem-Based Learning Police Academy. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 10(1), 2. 10.7771/1541-5015.1544
Makin, D. A., & Morczek, A. L. (2015). The dark side of internet searches: A macro level assessment of rape culture. International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 9(1), pp. 1-23.
Bernat, F.P., & Makin, D.A. (2014). Cybercrime Theory and Discerning If There Is A Crime: The Case of Digital Piracy. International Review of Modern Sociology, 40(2), p. 99p-119.
Boateng, F. D., Makin, D. A., & Yoo, J. (2014). Let me speak: Officer perceptions of community members in Ghana. International Criminal Justice Review, 24(1), pp. 22–38.
Makin, D. A. (2013). Popular punitivism and cultural mediation: The case of Spain. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 41(3), 260-276.
Makin, D. A. (2012). Symbolic Evidence Collection or “If All Else Fails, Throw Some Dust Around”. Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal, 3(3), pp. 126-138.
Makin, D. A., & Hoard, S. (2014). Understanding the Gender Gap in Domestic Terrorism Through Criminal Participation. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 25(5), pp. 1-22.
Higgins, G. E., & Makin, D. A. (2004). Self-control, deviant peers, and software piracy. Psychological reports, 95(3), pp. 921-931.
Higgins, G. E., & Makin, D. A. (2004). Does social learning theory condition the effects of low self-control on college students’ software piracy. Journal of Economic Crime Management, 2(2), pp. 1-22.
Books and Book Chapters
- Makin, David A. (2014). DNA and Property Crime Scene Investigation, Routledge Publishing
- Book Chapter: Avoiding the Technological Panacea: The Case of the Body Worn Camera in Criminal Justice Technology in the 21st Century (3rd edition)
Dr. Makin’s book:
Dr. Makin presents to Lexipol
Dr. Makin presents to National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE)