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Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology Cortney Franklin

Cougar symbolAssistant Professor
Wilson-Short 119, WSU Pullman
Curriculum Vitae





Ph.D., Criminal Justice, 2008, Washington State University
M.A., Criminal Justice, 2004, Washington State University
B.A., Political Science (Cum Laude), Philosophy (Minor), 2001, Gonzaga University


Cortney Franklin earned her Ph.D. in criminal justice from Washington State University in 2008. She has held faculty appointments at Sam Houston State University in the College of Criminal Justice (2008-2021), Washington State University in the Division of Governmental Studies and Services (2021-2023), and at the University of Idaho in the Department of Culture, Society and Justice (2023-2024). This fall, Cortney joins the faculty in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology.  Her research is focused on violence against women, victimology, and gender and justice, with particular attention to improving police responses to gender-based violence through trauma-informed and survivor-centered interventions. Cortney has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in scholarly outlets and 30 translational research reports for practitioners, stakeholders, and state legislators. Her externally funded research portfolio totals approximately $3 million in state contracts and federal grants, including competitive awards from the Office on Violence Against Women and the National Institute of Justice. She has partnered with law enforcement agencies, served on local and state non-profit boards, and is a subject matter expert consultant for the U.S. Department of Justice.

Courses Taught

Seminar in Evaluation Research, Victimology, Justice Institutions, Violent Crime, Criminological Theory, Violence Against Women, Gender and Crime, Correctional Systems and Practices, Criminology, Introduction to Criminal Justice, Realizing Justice in a Multi-Cultural Society, 

Research Interests

Victimology; violence against women including sexual assault and intimate partner violence; misperceptions of trauma symptomology; police response to sexual and intimate partner violence, including non-fatal strangulation; sexual assault on college campuses, theoretical antecedents to gender-based violence; gender and justice; program evaluation

Community Engagement

Member, (2020-2021), Board of Directors, SAAFE House, Huntsville, TX.
Member, (2017-2021), Executive Board of Directors, TX Victim Services Association, Austin, TX.
Member, (2017-2020), Victim Services Coalition, Office of Texas Attorney General, Austin. TX.

Recent Publications

*graduate/undergraduate student co-author, 1 former student

Goodson,1 A., Franklin, C.A., Garza,1 A.D., & Bouffard, L.A., (2024) Supporting victims of sexual assault: Examining police decisions of service provision and advocate involvement in sexual assault case processing. Crime & Delinquency. 

Franklin, C.A., Bouffard, L.A., Goodson, A.,1 & Garza,1 A.D. (2023) Police case processing decisions in a rape scenario: The effect of forensic medical evidence, stranger-perpetrators, and trauma presentation. Violence Against Women, In Press.

Campbell,1 B.A., Lapsey, Jr. D. S., Franklin, C. A., Garza,1 A.D., (2023) & Goodson,1 A. Police sexual assault investigations training, impulsivity, and officer perceptions about arrest and procedural justice: A randomized experiment. Journal of Experimental Criminology, Online first DOI: 10.1007/s11292-023-09572-y

Franklin, C.A., Bouffard, L.A., Garza,* A.D., & Goodson,1A. (2022) Focal concerns and intimate partner violence: Predicting arrest using a stratified random sample of police case file data. Crime & Delinquency, 68, 1402-1426.

Goodson,1 A., Garza,* A.D., & Franklin, C.A. (2022) Providing support to victims: police officers’ service referral provision and advocate involvement in domestic violence incidents. Crime & Delinquency, 68, 1, 80-104.

Garza,* A.D., Franklin, C.A., Goodson,1 A. (2022) Police response to Latina immigrant intimate partner violence victims. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Online first DOI: 10.1177/08862605211037980.

Franklin, C.A., & Garza,* A.D. (2021) Sexual assault disclosure: The effect of victim race and perpetrator type on empathy, culpability, and service referral for survivors in a hypothetical scenario. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36, 2327-2352.

Garza,* A.D., & Franklin, C.A. (2021) The effect of rape myth endorsement on police response to sexual assault survivors. Violence Against Women, 27, 552-573.

Garza,* A.D., Goodson,1 A., & Franklin, C.A. (2021)  Policing nonfatal strangulation within intimate partner violence. Policing: An International Journal, DOI: 10.1108/PIJPSM-12-2020-0190.

Henry,* T.K., Franklin, T.W., & Franklin, C.A. (2021) Facilitating sexual assault reporting on the college campus: The role of procedural justice in bystander decisions to provide police referrals following a hypothetical disclosure. Violence Against Women, 27, 2066-2091.

Fleming,* J., & Franklin, C.A. (2021) Predicting police endorsement of myths surrounding intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence, 36, 407-416.

Franklin, C.A., Garza,* A.D., & Goodson,* A., Bouffard, L.A. (2020) Police perceptions of crime victim behaviors: A trend analysis exploring mandatory training and knowledge of sexual and domestic violence survivors’ trauma responses. Crime & Delinquency, 66, 1055-1086.

Franklin, C.A., Brady,1 P.Q., & Ashworth,* L.M. (2020) Bystander behaviors following an accusation of rape: The effect of relational distance and participant sex on victim-centered intervention. Journal of School Violence, 19, 3, 292-308.

Goodson, A.,* Franklin, C.A., & Bouffard L.A. (2020) Male peer support and sexual assault: The relation between high-profile sports, negative attitudes toward women, and perpetration of sexual aggression. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 27, 64-80.

Goodson,1 A., Garza,* A.D., Franklin, C.A., Updegrove,1 A., Bouffard, L.A. (2020) Perceptions of victim advocates and predictors of service referral among law enforcement personnel. Feminist Criminology, 15, 5, 611-633.

Garza,* A.D., Franklin, C.A., & Goodson,1 A. (2020) The nexus between intimate partner violence and prior stalking victimization: Examining the police arrest decision. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47, 8, 1014-1031.

Franklin, C.A., & Goodson,* A., Garza,* A.D. (2019) Intimate partner violence among sexual minorities: An exploration of police officer decision-making. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 46, 1181-1199.

Franklin, C.A., & Menaker,1 T.A. (2018) Feminist routine activity theory and sexual assault victimization: estimating risk by perpetrator tactic among sorority women. Victims and Offenders, 13, 158-178.

Franklin, C.A. (2016) Sorority affiliation and sexual assault victimization: Assessing vulnerability using path analysis. Violence Against Women, 22, 895-922.

Franklin, C.A. (2013) Anticipating intimacy or sexual victimization? Danger cue recognition and delayed behavioral responses to a sexually risky scenario. Feminist Criminology, 8, 87-116.

Franklin, C.A., Bouffard, L.A., & Pratt, T.C. (2012) Sexual assault on the college campus: Male peer support, self-control, and fraternity affiliation. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 39, 1457-1480.

Franklin, C.A. (2011) An investigation of the relationship between self-control and alcohol-induced sexual assault victimization. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 38, 263-285.

Franklin, C.A. (2008) Women offenders, disparate treatment, and criminal justice: A theoretical historical, and contemporary overview. Criminal Justice Studies, 21, 343-362.

Franklin, C.A. (2005) Male peer support and police culture: Understanding the resistance and opposition of women in policing. Women and Criminal Justice, 16, 1-25.


Federal Grant Awards

2020-2024 Co-Principal Investigator, Assessing and Innovative Response to Intimate Partner Violence Related Strangulation. National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. $329,381. PIs: T.O. Shelley and K. Brown.
2017-2021 Principal Investigator, Research and Evaluation of Houston Police Department’s Response to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Survivors. Office of Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. $393,049.
2014-2015 Sub-Contract, Action Research to Enhance Investigations and Prosecutions of Sexual Assaults in Houston: Improving the Analysis and Use of Forensic Evidence, National Institute of Justice, Houston Police Department Sub-Contract. Lead Research Partner: W. Wells, $394,100.

State and Local Grants/Contracts

2022-2023 Principal Investigator, Arrest and Jail Alternatives Law Enforcement Grant Program Evaluation 2HB 1767, Phase II: A Multi-Site Process and Outcome Evaluation. Washington Associate of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police. Division of Governmental Studies and Services, Washington State University, Co-PIs: C. Sanders, S. Hoard, and T. Franklin, $300,000.

2022 Co-Principal Investigator, Arrest and Jail Alternatives Law Enforcement Grant Program Evaluation 2HB 1767, Phase I: Research Design Plan to Evaluate three Jail Diversion Programs. Washington Associate of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police. Division of Governmental Studies and Services, Washington State University, Co-PIs: C. Sanders, S. Hoard and T. Franklin, $284,000.

2021-2023 Co-Investigator, Pathways to Housing Security in Washington: House Bill 1277, Section 6, Washington State Legislature 2021, Department of Commerce. Division of Governmental Studies and Services, Washington State University, Co-PIs: C. Sanders and M. Stenovec; Co-Investigator: S. Hoard, $1,826,644.