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Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology Angelo Brown

Angelo Brown, Ph.D. CandidateAngelo Brown, Ph.D. Candidate
Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests:
Courts; Comparative; Policing, and Policy.

Teaching and Research Experience:
I have significant experience teaching online and in-person. I have taught CRM-J 101 Introduction to the Administration of Criminal Justice, 205 Justice in a Multicultural Society, 330 Crime Control Policies, 365 Juvenile Justice and Corrections, and 405 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems. My research experience at WSU began while working as a research assistant (RA) for Dr. Makin in the first year of my doctoral program. As an RA, I learned research methodologies and procedures for law enforcement agencies, such as working with body-worn camera data and gathering data from online databases. I had also worked with Dr. Lutze on intimate partner violence and transcribing interviews of incarcerated individuals. I am currently working with Dr. Pedneault on a research paper investigating sex offender registration laws. I have just published a paper with Dr. Hemmens analyzing Supreme Court cases. I am currently working on a paper regarding police use of lethal force with Dr. Stohr and Dr. Willits. My dissertation focuses on exploring the deployments of United Nations Police Officers and the factors in training and support that affect their experiences.

Recent Publications:

  • Brown, Angelo., Police in Africa: The Street Level View, Book Review. Theory in Action 2020.
  • Brown, Angelo., Mass Shootings an International Perspective. Chapter in Handbook of Research on Mass Shootings and Multiple Victim Violence. 2020.
  • Hemmens, Brown, Tjaden. Criminal Justice Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, 2019 Term. Criminal Justice Review. (Under Review).

Thesis/Dissertation Chair: Dr. David Makin