CRM J 365 Mural Project

The mural project, completed by instructor Krystal Roig and students enrolled in CRM J 365, will be featured in this years MLK Commemorative Booklet. The mural and plaque are hung near the Grand Ball Room door in the CUB on the WSU Pullman campus.


By Krystal A. Roig Palmer & The Social Justice Mural Team Vol. 2

Across the globe exists a plethora of languages, races, ethnicities, religions, cultural norms and many other diverse aspects to the human race. There is one thing that has found its way throughout history to bring us together regardless of our differences and that is “art.” This mural project is ultimately intended to amplify a holistic awareness within our society by orchestrating inclusivity toward civil rights for those who have experienced hardships within the cycle of the juvenile justice system. The title to the project, “CHANGE,” asks the community to recognize the journey we all must take in advocating for social justice through all of the lenses people interpret such a complex and controversial topic. The focal point to this mural lies within the book of knowledge centered in the letter “A.” The threaded timeline across the mural reminds us we cannot progress toward brighter changes in the juvenile justice system until we take time to learn our history, and how the system has evolved. Each letter in the mural expresses the importance in how we all have the capability to advocate for “change”

and to mentor the young adults of our nation.

“It takes a village to raise a child.” –Igbo and Yoruba proverb origin

CHANGE mural

This mural was led by Instructor Krystal A. Roig Palmer of the WSU Criminal Justice & Criminology Department & constructed by her students of the Criminal Justice/Sociology 365: Juvenile Justice & Corrections.

The following students comprised the Social Justice Mural Team Vol. 2:

Mikala Ewert, Frank Ramirez, Ivan Sabalza, Anahi Trejo

Much gratitude is given to those who supported our pro-social movement in social justice:

WSU Criminal Justice & Criminology department, WSU Fine Arts department, and the WSU Compton Union Building for being the mural’s first host to present the project to our community.