Criminal Justice and Criminology Graduate Student Publications
Below are some of our graduate students’ recent publications in major journals.
Woo, Y., Stohr, M.K., Hemmens, C., Lutze, F., Hamilton, Z. and Yoon, O.K. An Empirical Test of the Social Support Paradigm on Male Inmate Society. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, (Forthcoming).
Mei, X., Iannacchione, B., Stohr, M.K., Hemmens, C., Hudson, M. and Collins, P.A. Confirmatory Analysis of an Organizational Culture Instrument for Corrections: A Research Note. The Prison Journal, (Forthcoming 2017).
Routh, D., Abbes, G., Makin, D., Stohr, M.K. and Hemmens, C. Transgender Inmates in Prisons: Legal Issues and Policies. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, (Forthcoming 2016).
Hemmens, C. and Walker, A. Criminal Justice Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, 2014 Term. Criminal Justice Review, (Forthcoming spring 2016).
Turner, J.R., Hemmens, C. and Matz, A.K. Is it Reasonable? A Legal Review of Warrantless Searches of Probationers and Parolees. Criminal Justice Policy Review, (Forthcoming spring, 2016).
Yoo, J., Mei, X., Hemmens, C., and Stohr, M.K. Rapists’ Parental Rights: Adding Insult to Injury. Criminal Law Bulletin, 52(1), (2016).
James, S.M. Distracted Driving Impairs Police Patrol Officer Driving Performance. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 38(3), 505-516 (2015).
James, S.M. and Vila, B. Police drowsy driving: predicting fatigue-related performance decay. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 38(3), 517-538 (2015).
Morczek. A.L. Pornography: The Mass Production of Sexual Violence. Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly, 8(2), (2015).
Wolfe, S. E., Rojek, J., Alpert, G., Tiesman, H., & James, S. M. Characteristics of Officer-Involved Vehicle Collisions in California. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 38(3), 458-477 (2015).
Hemmens, C. and Klein, M. Criminal Justice Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, 2013 Term. Criminal Justice Review 39(4): 466-479 (2014).
Hemmens, C. and Block, L. You Can Look But You Better Not Touch: The Supreme Court Endorses Police Invasion of Privacy in Maryland v. King. Criminal Law Bulletin 50(3): 655-665 (2014).