Spring 2019 – Vol. 7, No. 2

Message From the Chair

May 2019

Welcome to Criminal Justice News!

The DeChristine Horne. partment of Criminal Justice and Criminology had a busy and productive spring semester.

Among the always-gratifying visits from our alumni, John Seaman spoke with students about careers in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Dave Reichert (former sheriff in King County and member of Congress) and Tim Schellberg (founder and president of Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs) also visited campus and spent time with members of the department. Reichert talked about his experience solving the Green River Killer case.

Our students benefit from the wisdom and experience of our alumni—we appreciate the many ways that our alumni and friends support our students and the department.

Twelve undergraduate students participated in our study abroad led by Dr. Melanie-Angela Neuilly, learning about the criminal justice system in London, England. They visited with Metropolitan Police services, attended different types of court proceedings, and went to the Broadmoor high security psychiatric hospital.

Several faculty and graduate and undergraduate students participated in the annual meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) and presented work on topics ranging from body-worn cameras to the effects of marijuana legalization. Dr. Faith Lutze is finishing her term as president of ACJS.

In the midst of all of this activity, our hearts are heavy at the loss of one of our alums, Deputy Justin DeRosier who was shot while on duty. Our thoughts are with him and his family. We are mindful of their sacrifice and of our many alums who put themselves on the line to serve their communities.

A new generation is joining those ranks. Congratulations to our many majors who graduated this spring and are moving on to jobs in law enforcement, corrections, the military, and other positions in which they will serve their communities. Congratulations to Jordan Sykes who has the honor of carrying the gonfalon for the College of Arts and Sciences during commencement ceremonies. And congratulations to our graduate students who are heading off to start jobs across the country, from New York to Texas to Utah, to educate the next generation.

Have an enjoyable and relaxing summer!

Christine Horne
Interim Chair